
xìn (xin4)

trust, confidence

The fifth of the five constant (常 cháng) virtues of Confucianism, namely: benevolence 仁, righteousness 義|义, propriety 禮|礼, wisdom (智 zhì) and fidelity 信

chéng (cheng2)

sincere, honest, real

kǔ (ku3)

bitterly painstaking ~ dukkha, the quality noted in the first of the four Noble Truths, 苦集滅道 kǔjímièdào ~ also the third of the five flavours, 甜酸苦辣鹹 (sweet sour bitter spicy salty)

As a condition of training ~ bitterly painstaking practice, from inner discipline; the long hard practice that leads to transformation.

zhuān (zhuan1)

special, focused.

As a condition of training ~ the focused aim which is a sine qua non for excellence.

líng (ling2)

deity, spirit, alert, effective, nimble ~ memorably occurring in the name of the telephone company which specialized in the provision of short, smart and snappy mobile phone numbers, 小灵通 xiǎolíngtōng (small smart and connected).

As a condition of training ~ swift realization, clarity

The traditional form of the character ~~ is glossed by Wieger, "to offer to heaven jade, or certain dances, in order to get rain. It was the first thing asked from the magicians and sorcerers, by a people whose life depended upon rain. By extension, spiritual, mysterious, supernatural power or effect, transcendent, marvellous."